ProductBrowse Reviews
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  • Andy
    What do you guys think about going from the 6 3/8 70 lbs z7 mag to the mr5 70 lbs? I am shooting real well with the mag, and was just thinking about getting a dual cam bow.
  • Alan
    Great bow.
  • TheBeginner
    I just picked this bow up last night, but haven't sighted it in or shot it yet.

SITKA introduces the new film called „CONNECTED”

Sitka Gear is proud to introduce the upcoming release of Connected. The movie represent the life of Adam Foss, and presents the preparation, persistence and hard work of Adam on his adventure into Alaska’s Chugach Range. Foss is a Sitka Athlete and is the younger man who completed the Four North American Wild Sheep with archery tackle.

You don’t have higher chances of drawing a Chugach archery Dall sheep, and the changes of harvesting a ram are pretty slim. The mountains have a very big altitude, there is no cover and the sheep are very alert this time of year. In 2012 all the tags went unfilled. The movie documents Foss’ 2013 adventure through visual images and voicemails that he left for close friends and family. The full length movie can be viewed at any of the Hunting Film Tour presented by Sitka Gear Events.

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