ProductBrowse Reviews
ProductUser Ratings
  • MadMan
    I was waiting a lont time for this bow, Finally bought it yesrterday, and I was very happy to see that the bow was worth the wait.
  • Tony
    This bow combines two qualities: it's very smooth and fast.
  • Thomas
    Now I've been using this bow for the last three decades and I would never trade it with anything.

New hunting regulations for archers

The change regards the harvest of antlerless deer for the first two weeks of the bow season.

Thie new rule (in effect from Oct. 1 to 15 and Dec.14 to 22), will affect the part of Genesee County north of Route 20, all of Orleans County and sections of Livingston, Monroe, Niagara and Wayne counties. The aim of this rule is to increase the take of antlerless deer in the Lake Plains area of Western New York.

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