Brand Reviews

Inferno Blaze Package by Arrow Precision is a great choice for your arsenal. With a lightweight composite stock and a machined aluminum riser, this lightweight crossbow package will send a bolt downrange at speeds of 345 fps.
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The Inferno Fury II TMpackage is packed with all the essentials for the seasoned crossbow veteran seeking a lightweight alternative to larger outfits as well as the perfect option for first time crossbow hunters seeking an affordable, fully equipped package.
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This crossbow offers all of the features and performance of a high end crossbow at a price any hunter can afford. The Blitz II produces arrow speeds exceeding 285 fps, more than enough for any big game animal, and features an illuminated 4x 32mm scope to help you make the shot at last light ...
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With a speed of 300+ FPS and a draw weight of 185 LBS, Inferno Hellfire by Arrow Precision is a great lightweight and affordable crossbow package. At a fraction of the cost of other performance bows, the Inferno Hellfire outperforms many other ...
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With a 225 pound draw weight, this package rockets a 20" bolt downrange at speeds of 345 feet per second (fps). The 4x32 multi-reticle illuminated scope will help you see your trophy all the way down to the last minute of daylight. All you need left to do if pick up your favorite pack of ...
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